
To my fallen brothers

While the current war has mny peoples attention 11 years ago we had troops fighting in another battle. While the operation was called Gothic Serpent the battle that took place on Oct 3-4 is known as The battle of the Black Sea.

Of course I am talking about the US operation of Task Force Ranger and the brave men involved in the mission.

Sadly the fight they found themselves in was very heated and in the end resulted in the deaths of 19 brave men. They were there fighting for those who could not do it for themselves. They were there because they understood that sometimes you have to stand up for the little guy and sometimes die for them. Some of the men that were there that day are friends of mine but they all are my brothers in arms.

To those who served I say thank you and to those who did not make it home we will never forget you.

Rest In Peace brothers.

Task Force Ranger Memorial

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