
Time to winterize...

Man these morning headaches have to stop, they suck. Top it off with I had to run to the store to get some sugar and cream for the coffee so I was not able to take my meds right off the bat. I finally got my coffee and now I am sitting in the recliner listening to Stephen Lynch on Real Rhapsody, who if you have not listened is damned funny.

The numbness in my foot and leg is still fairly moderate but the burning pain in my back is not there this morning. Hopefully it stays away for the day as my dad is coming up to help me winterize the house. Since my house is over 100 years and is on a fieldstone foundation there are some gaps that need to be filled every year with some insulation. While we did this last year there was some settling that we need to finish up. We use spray in foam for the gaps so it should not take to long and I should not have to mess with any fiberglass insulation.

Today should be an interesting day as the candidates and their reps will be going door to door one last time. I am one of the few Republicans on my block so I am sure they will be stopping here to speak with me. Two of the democratic candidates for state positions are family friends so I am positive I am on their "hit list." One of these years I should run for office. I have some decent credentials including board member, past president and judge for the county Teen Court.

Basically teen court is a program offered to youthful offenders in lieu of going through the judicial system. The offender is given an "attorney" who like the "prosecutor" is another teen as is the jury. Most of the "attorneys" and jury are other offenders who have completed the program and have stayed on to help their peers.

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