
Got my ass kicked by a glass of water

So I am sitting in the glider with an ice pack a heating pad and a hurting back. My son spilled some water in the kitchen which has a linoleum floor. I guess I missed some of it when I cleaned it up because as I stood up my heel went sliding through it and I was right down on the floor again. Nothing major like hitting hard on my ass but more or less one of those falls where you catch yourself on the way down. I put my arm out nd grabbed the counter and as I continued down that stretched my bck for me. Probably a little more then it could handle.

The pain was not bad at first but after a few minutes it started to burn and then I could feel the spot in my middle back where the muscle was tight. Grabbed to felexeril and headed upstairs to relax for a bit. Damn, I never even got to finish my bagel.

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