
Take a number and get in line granny

Well the flu season is about to start and it appears that we will be short vaccines for those who need them the most, the elderly, people with weakened immune systems and children.

Just how the hell this happened or more to the point why it happened staggers the mind. Why with all the technology and universities here in the US did we outsource this to a foreign company and why was this not caught well in advance of the flu season? Who in this country was responsible for the outsourcing of our health? What are they doing to rectify this situation? Maybe they forgot about the flu epidemic of 1918? Is it possible to see a repeat of this even with some people receiving the shot?

Obviously with less people vaccinated we can expect to see an increase across the board in those getting sick as well as an increase in deaths from this season. Healthcare professionals especially are at risk for getting and spreading the flu this season. I have heard of some facilities getting only 100 doses for a staff of several hundred.

I am by no means a fan of John Kerry (and will not be voting for him) but he finally said something I can agree with and that is in the end this whole fiasco rests on the shoulders of one person and that is the President. When you are in charge you get all the benefits as well as all the bullshit.

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