
Out and about

Got out of the house again today, that makes like three in a row. Nothing big, just hit Old Navy to exchange some items and grab some stuff on sale and then we grabbed a quick bite to eat.

We stopped at a restaurant right at the start of the lunch hour. Having worked in the hospitality industry we knew better then this but we were starving. It is a little Mexican restaurant where we have eaten before and found it to be at least good. We were seated and got our drinks rather fast but then our luck ran out. I ad to flag someone down after about 10 minutes to see if someone could at least get something for our toddler. Sadly the manager came to the table and made excuses about what was going on and blamed the servers for the confusion. I cannot stand it when the person in charge passes the buck like that. Seems that the server who we were supposed to have had just taken a large party before we came in and was quite busy with them. Not a big deal as we understand, but instead of getting someone to help him out the manager let the poor guy suffer with an overcrowded section. The server finally made it to our table 20 minutes after we sat down and took our order. We would have left but it would have been even longer before we saw food and like I said, we were starving. The kid was apologetic and I made sure to let him know that we understood and it was not his fault for bad communication on the managers behalf. Lunch was decent, some flauta's for my wife and a chicken chimichnga for me, our son snacked down on some grilled cheese which he kept dipping into the salsa. Feeling badly for the server who has to work for such a poor manager I left him a 30% tip.

Like I said, I worked in the restaurant business for 10 years and my wife is a restaurant manager. We understand that it is not a perfect world, especially at lunch time. However a manager who does not accept blame for problems is a weak manager IMHO.

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