
It's a beautiful morning...

It is an awesome morning. I woke at 0445 wide awake and ready to go for some reason. No pain in the lower back and only a slight numbness in the left foot/leg. The plan today is to spend some time with my wife and do some much needed shopping.

Not sure how the back will hold up to all the walking around today so in anticipation I have taken my meds. I hate to do it when I obviously woke feeling good but I know that if I wait until the pain starts it will be tough for the meds to catch up with the pain.

First on the list is to swing by Home Depot and pay them to come measure the sliding doors. We are having them removed and replaced with steel double doors. The sliding doors are ok but who ever installed/purchased them bought the cheapest one on the market. The glass is not at all insulated nor is the frame. In the winter the cold air just comes in and the living room gets very cold. The new doors are double panes as well they have the mini blinds between the glass. This means we can get rid of that funky freaking "drape" that we have been using to keep the sun from beating into the room in the late afternoon (western exposure in that room.)

We are also plan to go look at some laptops and a digital cam corder. Two items we have been pricing for some time and have finally narrowed it down to what we really want. I have been wanting the camera for some time. My dad was always filming us when we were kids and having those to show my kids has been pretty cool. I would like to capture their youth and provide them with the same sentiments someday. The laptop is a business expense. Since I work from home and do not have one I am limited in my weekly travels and have had to miss out on a few mid week trips to the inlaws because of work concerns.

After that the day is up for grabs. We thought we might start some of the holiday shopping for the boys. Usually I wait until the week before but with the steady deterioration of my back I am not sure I want to deal with the madness at the mall 5 days before Christmas.

I will drop in after the shopping and give a sit-rep on the back.

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