
Just an ordinary day, finally...

Going to make this a lazy day. Not much on the to-do list and I don't feel like going far. The back is burning this morning, not to bad but enough to remind me that it is there. There is also a slight burning down the left calf muscle and numbness in the toes.

We might take the boys to the pumpkin patch and let them run loose in the maze for a bit, I know the oldest is bouncing off the walls and ready to go. I would have gone sooner but then the pumpkins rot before the end of the month and we have to go get more. Of course pumpkin picking means we get to bake some pumpkin seeds to snack on.

When I was in the ER I was taken by surprise when the attending doc asked me about my meds and why I was on them. When I told him about the arachnoiditis he did not know what it was so I had to explain it from start to finish. Funny how some things don't pop into your head until well afterwards. It's ok though as he knew exactly how to control the headache.

I read some more on headaches yesterday and like Gil pointed out in the comments this may very well be a part of the arachnoiditis, which may be spreading. It is hard to say as I had epidurals at the L5/S1 as well as the C6. I would think if you were susceptible to arachnoiditis it might very well be at both levels. Since they did not do an MRI of the Cervical spine I cannot say, but I will be asking my PCP to get one done to confirm it. The only thing they have done for the headaches is a CT scan a few months back but it showed only normal structures. I will call tomorrow and get an appointment for this.

I guess I could always spend the day on iTunes or Rhapsody and burn some new CD's. Since I have been home for the last year and change I have not really listened to the local stations and spend most of my time on Yahoo Radio. Since we have DSL through SBC we get premium service from Yahoo and they have a pretty decent selection on their 80's station as well as current tunes. Right now I am listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

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