
Slip sliding away

A cold day today. I don't think we hit but 55F for the high and this is supposed to be one of the warm days this week.

I love the cold but this is going to suck if the weather is going to play with my back. Seems the colder it gets outside the more my back hurts. Not a burning pain but more like a stiffness in the joints. Simple tasks like bending over to change the baby are difficult to perform. I can bend or kneel down depending on where I am, but recovering to the standing position can be a bit painful. Once I am up I feel ok but just getting up sucks. I try to limit myself but when it is me and the baby at night someone has to change him. Bath time can be tough as well but we bought him a special seat for the tub. It keeps him from slipping so he can play without me having to be down on the floor with him. I can pull the chair in with us and watch him.

I got out and about for a bit today. Nothing fancy, just hit wally world for some batteries and tape. Seems like Christmas is coming earlier every year. Halloween has not even happened yet they had like 5 aisles of nothing but Christmas items while they had about 1.5 for Halloween. Nothing says holiday like corporate America! Pretty soon they will be setting out the Christmas stuff during the Fourth of July.

Right now I am just relaxing and watching a movie (Dumb & Dumber) as there is not much else to do this evening. Both the boys are in bed and snoring way which is where I plan to be here shortly. I did not sleep well last night, in part because of my back but the baby was restless last night.

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