
Lazy days...

Spent most of the day relaxing. Had some pretty good spasms in the early evening and after dinner. I am certain that I have developed a tolerance to the flexeril and need to get it changed, even at the max dose it is not working.

I ended up in the recliner and watched the boob tube for a bit. That was interrupted by the sound of dueling chainsaws from the neighbors yard. They finally got their insurance to cover the removal of the tree from the storm last July. We had a micro burst that hit us and just destroyed about 4 square blocks. Lucky us, we live right in the middle of it. No houses came down but a lot of them had severe damage from trees coming down on them. I got lucky and only had my utility lines ripped out of the house when the neighbors tree came down across my back yard.

Anyway, looking forward to the coming weeks. My wifes schedule has changed so now we can get to the gym everyday. While it seems to aggravate the arachnoiditis for now I am willing to trade that for the cardio benefits as well it gets me out of the house for an hour or so each day. Sometimes just getting out is what you need.

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