
Knitting needles in the back

Not even the recliner is comfortable right now and my back feels like it is one big knot that won't relax. On top of that I have that feeling of being poked with a knitting needle right in the small of the back. Combined the two make for a difficult time sitting or standing to long. The pain radiates from the small of the back up to about the midpoint of the back, down the left leg to the foot and on the right leg it is causing shooting pains to about the knee level. I usually do not have pain on the right side but since this is something that can be progressive I have been trying to watch out for when it happens and keep track of what I was doing. This may help me determine what activities are aggravating the arachnoiditis.

I know it is not from overuse today as we did not do much of anything other then run to the Toys R Us to do some Christmas shopping and then to Panera Bread company to get some bagels. I did have to use the cart in the toy store to kind of steady myself and my wife noticed that I was walking with a pronounced gait that I normally do not have.

1 comment:

Gil said...

I know what you mean! I just got back now from grocery shopping. Birgitte helped pick the stuff up and I just leaned on the cart the whole time and said 'Get this and that.' I barely made it and we picked up less than a third of the list. Panera bread... oh I remember that!