
Pleasant surprise

Well I ran out of pain meds yesterday and did not have a refill on the scrip so I have to call it in to the pharmacy and then they check with the doc to see if he will refill it. I called it in first thing in the morning in hopes that it would be done by 1500 as that would be when my other meds should be gone.

I called the pharmacy at about 1430 and they said it was refilled but that my insurance company said that it was to soon to refill and they would not pay for them until the 18th. Not sure WTF is up with them but since it was a generic refill it was only $26. My wife went and grabbed it for me and when I opened the bag I found that not only had my doc authorized the refill, he gave me enough refills for another few months worth. Seems like after our last conversation he has come around to really understand that my pain is something that is not going away any time soon.

While I am a little miffed with my insurance carrier about the co-pay I am glad that I at least have insurance and do not live in a socialized healthcare country. I have read to many accounts of people living in the UK and Europe where they have to deal with socialized healthcare and they wait and wait and wait just to see the doc to be told they will know have to wait again to see the neuro or whoever else they will be referred out to see. In the time I was diagnosed with Spondy and had my surgery (about 1 year) some of them were still waiting to see the docs. Ouch!

1 comment:

Gil said...

I had that same problem with my work comp insurance carrier in the states. My neurologist gave me a second perscription for the sames meds that month because she was upping the dosage, but the insurance company refused to pay for it. I have a stack of unfilled perscription slips at home still from that time.

I learned that if you know your rights and can quote them to the insurance carrier, that puts you in a better position to get your bills and scripts covered.

Sorry you had to shell out the extra cash.

Glad your doctor is coming around!!!