
I thought spring was over???

Well just to the south of us they are getting nailed with bad weather and there have been several tornadoes reported already. Rather freakish weather in the plains for this time of the year. Usually spring is full of this stuff, particularly this last one. We had several thousand dollars damage to our house from a micro burst, which took part of the roof and ripped all the power lines out of the house. Hope they are doing better then that down there.

My left foot is totally numb and my back has been on fire all day. Nothing seems to have worked, not the pain meds or changing positions so I have been fidgity all day long. I feel bad for everyone else in the house on days like this. They all seem to want to help but there is nothing they can do for me. I tell them so, but sometimes I wonder if it comes across as a "leave me alone." It is not intended that way, but at the same time when you are in pain and on meds you tend to be short/terse with some answers.

Top it all off with I did not get in a nap this afternoon which I really wanted to do since I slept horribly last night. Well the night is here so I am going to listen to some tunes and surf the net for a bit and then fall asleep watching the idiot box.

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