
AAOS Online Service Fact Sheet Spinal Fusion

AAOS Online Service Fact Sheet Spinal Fusion

My surgery included fusion at the L5/S1 and I remember all to well the pain I was in after the surgery. It went away in about 2 weeks, or at least the major pain did and after that it was ok as long as I avoided certain things and remembered to "log roll" to get up out of bed.

They can do the graft a few different ways. They can harvest from the patient or they can use donor bone (cadaver bone). My surgeon opted for the donor bone as it would be easier and less painful for me. If I remember correctly the chances of the fusion taking were about the same with either way but if we used my bone I would have additional pain from the harvest site. I am glad they used the donor bone!!!

After surgery I did wear a body brace for several months to help keep the fusion from moving and allow it to heal. I did get some strange looks while wearing it and during the summer months it was hot but without it I did not have the stability. When the cooler months hit I hid it under a sweatshirt.

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