
Phrenic nerve damage?

I tried to fold the laundry and hang up my wife's shirts for work and within a few minutes the sweating started. For those who are not familiar with all the side effects of archnoiditis, sweating is one of them. Simple tasks like the laundry can kick start it or trying to load/unload the dishwasher.

Another problem that has been happening recently is when I am trying to fall asleep it is like my diaphragm stops working. I don't know if it is related to the arachnoiditis though as the phrenic nerve which controls the diaphragm is in the cervical spine between the C3 & C5 vertebrae. Which of course concerns me once again as the C5 is where I had the stellate ganglion blocks in June 2003. Now I am going to have to read some more on the blocks and potential problems.


Saija said...

you always take me back in time ... 15 years ago when i was working full-time and leo was doing the laundry and other domestic stuff ... he would usually have a towel nearby, just for the sweats you talk about ...

you're a good guy being a support to your wife - even tho'it is TOUGH on some days ...

the pain has been the 3rd party in our marriage for 21 years ... in the past, when i got angry at the pain, i would call it leo's mistress ... now it is just an unwelcome intruder who may control physical aspects of our life BUT not the down deep spiritual US ... the real us ...

Easter is a time of hope ...

blessings on you as you soldier on ...

opforsoldier said...

Thanks Saija!

I always enjoyed doing the work at home and when my wife and I first met I was a stay at home dad and went to school at night while she worked and I took care of all the household duties.