
My Family...

We decided to "camp out" tonight in the living room. I will stay in the recliner and my wife and Colm will sleep on the couch. The couch is one of those that reclines on both ends and from the looks of them they are quite comfy. They fell asleep awhile ago and Colm's temperature seems to have dropped a bit.

As I am sitting here looking at them sleeping all cozied up, Colm's snoring and his arms are up with his hands behind his head I cannot imagine what my life would be like if they were not part of it. It's funny, before you have someone in your life you cannot imagine what it would be like with them, and once they are there you cannot understand how you got along with out them.

There is nothing in the world that means more to me then my family and I would go to the end of the world for them. Seeing them sick hurts me, especially the youngest, because while he can tell me he is hungry or wants to play, he cannot tell me what hurts just yet. You are let guessing and wondering why this very happy little boy is suddenly not feeling well. I am thankful that he is resting in his mom's arms right now and appears to be feeling a bit better. Hopefully in the morning this will be gone and it will have been a little short bug of some sort.

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