

We went back to the book store today. It was a nice relaxing day and we just wandered in and out of stores window shopping until we hit the book store. I grabbed 3 more books for a total of $3 and once again they were easily worth $50. The first one is Blood Sport by James B. Stewart and is paperback, the 2nd is The War On Pain by Scott Fishman M.D. and the 3rd is Amazon.com Get Big Fast by Robert Spector. They all looked like good reads from what I got in the store and for $1 I figured they could not be that bad, right?

I started Amazon.com and it is very interesting already. I do not think I will read the pain book cover to cover as I am just interested in the neurological section of it. I was kind of miffed that they did not cover arachnoiditis but they did have another book that I will go back for that had 2 pages dedicated to it. While it is not much I am interested in comparing the authors ideas on the neuro issues.

It was fun to get out of the house and since we got to the mall as soon as it opened there was basically no one in the whole mall. Like I said before, we basically window shopped except for the bookstore, Casual Corner and a Shoe store that I did not catch the name of, I think it was an athletes foot. My wife spent the rest of her gift certificate to Casual Corner and got some really sweet deals on some spring outfits. While we were looking around we found 2 linen blouses that were $7.99 but originally marked $65. She then found another whole rack of great sales and walked out with a slew of outfits that we certainly could not afford if they had not been on sale. We grabbed some pizza for lunch, authentic NY style pizza and then headed off for the shoe store to get my son some sneakers. My wife kept picking out the ones I did not like, not because they were ugly but because they were velcro. While velcro is cool on somethings, it is not on shoes for a 2 year old. They love to play with it and the next thing you know your hunting down a sneaker in the grocery store. We ended up finding him a nice pair of lace up Nike's that were 1/2 off for some reason.

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