
When I put the baby down for his nap this afternoon I decided that I was going to try and get some sleep as well. While he took a good 3 hour nap I only fell asleep for about an hour.

What woke me up was the total numbness in the left arm and hand. Like this morning it was totally numb and this time it was painful. While the pain usually goes away not to long after I get up this time it persisted for some time and even now, 5 hours later, the thumb and shoulder are still in a good deal of pain.

The waiting for the doctors appointment on the 10th is going to be torture but like I said before, I am tired of paying all these co-pays. While it is only $15 each visit and then 10% my medical bills each month, with insurance is easily a few hundred dollars between the visits and meds. It has drained all of our savings and I am still waiting for the Social Security folks to finish their investigation in to my claim. We could be another 6 months from a decision and while I feel good about the decision there is no guarantee that I will get anything.

Top off the medical bills with the loss of income and you will blow through savings very quickly. The one thing I did not even think of until it was to late was the equity we had built up in the house. By the time it was even a thought we had much les income then we had when we bought the house so finding a loan that we could afford was not going to happen. With the equity we would have been able to make it much further then we have.

One thing we did learn was that many credit companies have financial hardship rules but you have to ask about them. We were able to put many of our loans in to forbearance and in other cases we had special insurance on the loans/cards that took over the payments for up to a year and in some cases longer. Some people will tell you that those are not worth adding to the loan, and I used to be one of them but for some reason we added them anyway. I am glad that I did.

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