
How to receive free prescription meds...

I picked up the rest of my prescriptions yesterday and as the lady is ringing up the 3 things I needed I started to wonder, "what do people without insurance do for their prescriptions?" After all insurance itself is expensive and even if you do have a decent policy they may not cover meds pr if they are like mine they have a pretty stiff co-pay. Even with the prescription coverage my meds for the month came just shy of $300.

When I did not have any insurance and could not afford to see my own doctor I went to the local clinic run by the Order of Nuns in my town. Basically it is a facility where they determine your ability to pay based on your income. For some people the visit is free and for others they may be asked to pay $20 for the visit but where the real problem starts is when they need medications. The clinic does have some samples of the more common drugs to give out and they will write you a prescription for the generic form of drugs but even that can be expensive without insurance. It is drugs without generics that are truly expensive, drugs like Celebrex can easily run $200 a month.

One thing I did remember was that they had a brochure that explained how people with low or no incomes could receive drugs directly from the manufacturer at no cost. I did some digging around the web this morning and found a site that lists many of the companies and their programs that offer either free or reduced price medications for the needy.

Needy Meds is a comprehensive site that includes not just companies and their medication programs it also includes a section on each states medicare program as well as other programs run by the state to help those with no or limited means. This is a site most definitely worth looking in to if you need help.

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