
This is outstanding!

I was in the kitchen getting a bottle of water (tap water here is NASTY!) when the phone rang. Looking over at the caller ID (the greatest invention IMHO) it is the clinic that I was at today to see the pain doc. I did contemplate letting it go to voice mail but I grabbed it anyway.

It was actually the doctor that I had seen this morning calling to ask me if I have ever had the lidocane patch and if not would I be willing to try it? Well that took about 1/100th of a second to say "sure" and give him my pharmacy info.

Tomorrow I will run in and grab the prescription which he said to apply them to the spot(s) that need it the most and that I can have up to 3 on at a time. You wear them for 12 hours and then remove them for 12 is the way I understand it but I cant be sure until I pick them up.

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