
Warning you might find on the side of your meds...

When I saw the pain management doctor we talked about some of the meds that I have used in the past and what I thought about them. One of them was Neurontinwhich is an anti seizure medication that has some other uses. I was on it for some time and found that it made me rather irritable so I stopped. I also was not so sure that it was working for me and then to top it off there is a huge class action lawsuit in which the plaintiff's are claiming that it's manufacturer is advocating it's use in some patients where there has been no FDA approval. Apparently there has been a higher rate of suicide and attempted suicide in these patients and they believe it is tied to the neurontin. The drugs manufacturer, Pfizer has plead guilty in the suit.

Now I am not a big fan of the anti-seizure medications as none of them seem to have an effect in my case. After speaking with the doctor and discussing the different ones out there he decided that Lamictal might have some effect for me.

The way this drug is prescribed they have you take a small dose for 2 weeks and then you double the dose for another 2 weeks. In another 2 weeks they have you triple the original dose and by then you should be noticing the effects. Apparently like some of the other meds that I take this one has to build up in your system before you will notice any real effects. I am just starting the second week and next Friday I will up the dose.

One of the first things I do when I am prescribed a new medication is to look it up online and in the PDR. I want to check and double check for any interactions or possible problems that we should be looking out for. Generally there are none or they are minor and little cause for concern.

Lamictal on the other hand is one of those drugs that really make you wonder if this is something you should be taking. When the doctor was prescribing this to me he made absolutely no mention of this drugs side effects or any possible problems that I might have while on it. Now why he did not tell me I am not sure but this is the same doctor who was talking about licking frogs so....

Here is some information on the possible side effects of this drug. Now normally a skin rash from meds is not something to worry about, a little Elidel and the rash is taken care of. The warning for the lamictal is a little more disconcerting.

Lamotrigine can cause serious rashes that can be fatal. Lamotrigine should be used in children below the age of 16 ONLY if they have seizures related to the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Tell your doctor if you are taking valproic acid (Depakene, Depakote). Take lamotrigine exactly as directed. Do not take more of if or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.If you develop a rash, stop taking lamotrigine and call your doctor immediately. If you develop either of the following symptoms, call your doctor immediately: fever, swollen lymph nodes. Talk to your doctor about the risk of taking lamotrigine.

I understand that most of my other meds have fatal side effects, if you take them in extreme excess. Apparently Lamictal can have these side effects with the smallest dose they prescribe. While I am taking this medication, I am watching my skin like a hawk. My concern is that if I do not take this med it will screw up any benefits I may be due from insurance. If there comes a time I need surgery I do not need them asking if we tried all protocols prior to surgery. I know when I had surgery for the spondy that was the first thing they asked. In the meantime I will keep taking this and if I have any problems the ER is just a few doors down.

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