
11th Circuit & Jesse Jackson...

It looks like the 11th Circuit Court has refused to hear the Schindler's request for a new hearing. I have not seen a copy of the petition or what they were hoping to have the new hearing based on but I guess it is moot now.

Jesse Jackson has also said that his attempts to win over a few state Senators to change their votes on a bill that would have saved Terri has failed. It is a complete turn around from earlier comments made by Jackson in which he had found 4 of the Senators were "flexible" in their votes and they were enough to get the bill passed.

It now seems as if all hope is gone and after 13 days Terri's life is now measured in hours instead of days or weeks. It is truly amazing that she is going in to her 13th day without any food or water. Almost as if she is fighting to stay alive, that she is not giving up. I have said it before but it is truly sad that we treat our convicted killers, rapists and child molesters much better then we treat our sick and infirm. We even treat international terrorists better then that, clearly a sign of a society that places no value on ones life if they are unable to speak for themselves. Would they dare do this to the Pope who is now on a feeding tube?

It also appears that Michael Schiavo has no say or control in whether Terri is given an autopsy after her death. He had earlier stated there would be none and the his lawyer made an announcement that he had changed his mind. It now turns out that he had no say in the first place and once again he looks like the fool he has proven himself to be time and time again.

Edit: After hitting the publish button the news covered a brief bit on the Schindler's filing another appeal to the US Supreme Court. No doubt this will be based on the motion for a new hearing preiously denied by the 11th Circuit Court.

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