
Brachial plexus bundle...

I posted a question about my shoulders on the new forums and I got some great answers. Many of them were similar to the bursitis and tendonitis responses that I have received over the last few days but there was one person who had something I had not heard of.

Her suggestion was that this pain may have indeed been caused by the either the damage to the radial nerve or from the stellate ganglion blocks. The area where the block was given, the C6, as well as the radial nerve are part of the brachial plexus bundle. To better understand I have a picture below that you can see exactly what she was talking about.

The other suggestions that I have received are that it my be Bursitis or Tendonitis which could be from over compensating for the spinal injuries by using my upper body for supporting myself. Simple things like standing, sitting & lying down are not easy with the back problems so you find yourself bracing with your arms. Of course your shoulders would then take much of the load.

Both of the above make great sense but since I am not a doctor nor have there been any x-rays or MRI's I am hesitant to say which I think it might be. I am also unsure if I should wait until the 10th and tell the pain doctor or should I see my own physician.

Either way this is something that has to be treated by other then the pain meds. This morning I woke up and had the usual numbness and tingling in the shoulders but the left hand was also quite numb. I tried to shake it to get the blood flowing back in to it but that just amplified the pins and needles. There is some slight tingling and burning in the thumb and the heel of the palm but it is barley a 2 on the pain scale.

Of course no matter who I see for this it is going to cost me money, and that is something that is becoming scarce around here. But I will talk about those issues in another post later on.

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