
Time for a wheelchair?

My legs seem to be having more twitching today then in the past. I tried a few times to lay down for a nap in the recliner but every time I was about to doze off one leg or the other would "kick" and wake me up. Oddly, my right arm did it once today. I have never had it happen in the arm like that. Since I see the physiatrist tomorrow for the EMG reading I will see what he has to say. If he does not mention it as a side effect then I will ask about it. The appointment is very early and an hour away so as soon as we drop the oldest off for school we are heading out.

I had a small problem today that tells me this is advancing. On the way in to the kitchen this afternoon my left knee gave out and while I did not fall to the ground it was enough to scare the crap out of me. While I have not asked for the handicap parking permit, even though I have brought the papers with me before, I am going to have to ask for one know. I have an appointment on the 23rd with the pain doc so I am not sure if I should ask the doc tomorrow or wait.

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