
Well I have the energizer baby today. He refused to take a nap and I don't mean he just would not go to sleep, I mean he fought me to the bitter end when I finally gave up. I figured when we went to pick up his brother from school he would doze off in the car. I don't like a late nap for him but at that point I was the one who needed it!

I was so tired that my son had to take over and watch him for a bit. I was in the room but chasing him around was more then my back was able to handle. The burning was going full force and it was pretty much from the lower back, right above my butt and then down through the left leg. It was an interesting burn though as it was more like a pulsing then steady burn. Once I was able to sit down for a bit it changed to the steady burn and the slowly tapered to the tingling. My feet however feel like I am walking on broken glass.

Thankfully it was time for a dose of Oxycontin and while it is not as effective (it is 12 hour time release) when you take it and are in that much pain, it does cut the bite of it some. That kind of pain would be "breakthrough" and usually you have something else like oxycodone for breakthrough that is fast acting, not timed release and will generally only last for a few hours.

Since I have only been seeing my primary care doc so far for pain management I do not have anything for that. My first appointment with the new doc for meds is this week and I totally plan on bringing breakthrough to his attention as well as something for sleeping.

The problem with seeing your personal doctor for pain management is that while they do understand that you are in pain, they generally may not have an enough background in your specific problem or how to effectively treat it. The pain docs I am seeing are anesthesiologists who very much understand the spinal cord and how the pain works as well as how we should approach treatment.

My wife is off tomorrow and she has some things to gather for work down in the city so I am sure she will ask me to come along. I am not sure I am up for that long of an outing as well as that much walking. I do take comfort in knowing that I have almost hit my deductible for the year and will now be able to get the cane I want.

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