
My baby is sick...

My little one is sick this evening. He was fine at 16:00, running around riding the big wheel and terrorizing the dog. Out of the blue and a little after 17:00 he got very cranky and could not be comforted unless he sat with me in the chair.

Since mom was on her way home I sat with him for a bit and out of the blue the poor little guy started making retching sounds and the next thing I know we are both wearing the oreo he had just eaten. He ended up throwing up several times, of course only after I changed him so on the third shot I just wrapped him in his towel and mom is sitting with him now.

Poor guy, in 2 years and change we have been blessed with a very healthy kid, his older brother as well. They rarely get sick and I can only think of 2 other times that Colm has been like this. He is zonked out with mom on the couch right now and snoring away, if he is still like this in the morning we will take him to the doctor. Luckily his doctor is right out the back door. We can walk there faster then we could get in the car and drive it.

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