
Crackpot doctor yet again...

So today was the day to see the doctor and find out what the EMG had to say. My appointment was at 9:15 and I was on time and led straight to the room to wait for the doctor. It took him an hour to finally come in during which there was nothing comfortable to sit on in the room (like last time) and each time I asked where the doctor was I was told he will be any minute. You know, if you made them wait they would be pissed off.

He finally makes it in to the room and tells me that the only thing the EMG shows is a pinched nerve! What the hell is he talking about? I have MRI's that show other wise but I guess he would not know that since he never bothered to look at them or even read the reports. He asked how things were going and when I told him that it has been getting worse he just blew it off and went on talking about upping the lamictal, which is what we discussed the last time. He did however either remember or read his notes because he said that he remembered that I did not want to have en epidural so instead he suggested that we do a myelogram to see where the damage is located. I just stared at him for a second trying to figure out if he was serious which he apparently was. I told him in no uncertain terms were they sticking me in the spine with a damn thing.

I honestly believe that he has nothing to offer me and only wants to see me every 4 weeks to bill the insurance. He won't prescribe any meds other then the lamictal, he wants to stick me with the same damn things that cause arachnoiditis in the first place. Then there is the hour wait for a 5 minute appointment to say the same damn thing he did last time. Why am I wasting my freaking time and money with these people? I don't think I am going to be going back to them anymore and will call my insurance people to see who else in the area is "in network."

1 comment:

Saija said...

sigh ... sorry to hear that ...

i guess sometimes the patient needs to educate the doctor ... !