
Michael Schiavo is Judas!

Here is an outstanding piece on the treatment of Terry Schiavo. It is about time someone with the reach that this channel has stands up and says something. It is brief and to the point, watch the video and see if you don't find yourself questioning some of the values that people have.

It is sad that we treat convicted murders and rapists better then we treat a women whose only "crime" was an eating disorder and marrying a man who has spent the better part of the last 15 years trying to kill his wife.

This weekend many of us will be reflecting on the fact that Christ died for our sins. And while we remember we also find ourselves in the midst of a modern day betrayal. Just as Judas betrayed Christ, Michael Schiavo has betrayed Terri. He has cast her out and turned her over for execution. He has betrayed her by forgetting his vows to love, honor and cherish. In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer until death do us part.

Please continue to pray for Terri and the Schindler's.

For some more information check out Insignificant Thoughts as well as Seeking Sanity.


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