
The Florida senate has rejected a bill that could save Terri. This is indeed a sign that the Florida Senate does not care about their constituents because this bill while encompassing Terri would have spread to and protectedall of Florida's residents should they find themselves in a similar situation.

It looks like petition by governor Bush and the head of the states Social Service Agency have filed a petition seeking to take custody of Terri citing allegations of abuse as well it challenges Terri's diagnoses of a persistent vegetative state. I am certainly hoping this is something that even if not permanent buys the time the Schindler's will need to get their petition to the next level.

Here are petitions to be read and signed calling not only to save Terri but to impeach Judge Greer for his constant willingness to violate Florida state laws and statutes. I urge you to go to the site, read the petitions and sign them.

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