
I slept horribly again last night. My shoulders are getting worse and I do not even know why they hurt. However, my mom always told me I should try and find the good in all the bad so I will. The good part is that my shoulders hurt so much that I have pretty much forgotten about my back!

I know, I need to go see the doctor but this morning walk ins begin in 14 minutes and there is no way I can shower and make it in time. I mean I could get there and sign in but it would be a good hour or two wait. I will just call and see if they have any appointments for later on or tomorrow.

Our plans for today are to go and hit the book store only this time we will do it while the oldest is in school so we have some time to wander around. He is out of school Thurs/Fri so he and I will go down sometime over the long weekend where he can just cruise around and find some books. I know he is looking forward to it but it will also depend on his grades today.

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