
Shoulder Impingement?

I have been trying to figure out what could be wrong with my shoulders and someone from the COFWA group had some good ideas and suggested that I check out Shoulder Inpingement and discuss it with my doctor. I am still not sure exactly how it works but apparently it has something to do with the pressure being cause by the scar tissue in the spinal column. The displacement of cerebral spinal fluid is also the reasons behind the massive headaches I have been having.

I am going to make an appointment with the doctor ASAP and see what he has to say about it. The downside is that in order to properly diagnose this they will need to stick me back in the MRI. While I understand the importance of diagnosing and getting treatment for this, I am not thrilled that it means another one of those.

After doing some more reading on the pain management for this it looks like they use cortisone shots at the location of the pain. Since this is not something that would be in the spine I have no problem getting them, if that is indeed what they decide. Of course that would mean a shot in both shoulders. :shudders:

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