
The shoulders are back at it again...

Sitting in the recliner last night my shoulders started hurting and it seemed that no matter how I shifted I could not find a position that was comfortable. Lately the shoulders have hurt more then the back so I have been using the lidocaine patches on them instead. Since one patch is to big for one shoulder I have been cutting it in half which is about the perfect size. However last night I forgot to tape them down before going to sleep and all the tossing and turning pulled them off.

I am tired of being of being in pain for most of the day. It seems if the back is not doing badly then the shoulders are. The back has become somewhat worse over time but this is to be expected with arachnoiditis and does not bother me as much as the shoulders. We know that the arachnoiditis is not going away and that we can treat it with the meds but the shoulders obviously need more then just meds.

I know I should see a doctor about this but right now I am still trying to figure out a good course of treatment for the back pain. I am also not ready to be working on 2 problems at the same time because that means more doctors, more co-pays, x-rays, meds etc. and I really do not have the money to do all of that.

I have done a ton of reading on both bursitis and tendonitis and either could be a sign of just overworked shoulders or worse damage to the rotator cuff. With my luck it will be something that requires surgery to fix. I have the knack for

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