
The doctors visit went quite well and my wife got to meet the doctor this time. We discussed the insurance issue with the medications and he said they will call my carrier and get it fixed. If they for some reason decide that I can no longer have that med then he will switch me to something like MS-Contin or methadone.

Know I have been on Kadian before and did not have much relief from it. However that was on the 24 hour dose with nothing for breakthrough. His opinion was to try the 12hr dose and keep the breakthrough meds going. We will see what happens as I still have 4 days before I can refill the meds.

We stopped to get bagels but since they were very busy we just bought the bagels and some Asiago cheese foccacia and went to my mothers house to make sandwiches. It was $20 cheaper and most certainly much quicker and we have bagels for the next week at home. The foccacia is excellent for munching on and while you can make a panini with it I prefer to just tear some off and dip it in olive oil that sundried tomatoes have been packed in.


Saija said...

have you tried gabapentin in conjunction with the morphine? works quite well ...

opforsoldier said...

I had been on neurontin in the past but it made me very aggressive. The manufacturer is also involved in a class action suit over side effects it never publicized such as suicide and suicidal tendencies.

Saija said...

i actually did a double take when i saw your picture! really i did! how cool ... nice to see "you"... :o) ... and i thought you were a "red head" cause of the pic you posted of your eldest!

are neurontin and gabapentin the same?

opforsoldier said...

Yes, gabapentin is the generic version of Neurontin.

I have some better pictures of myself and I am working on putting together a picture page soon.

Saija said...

hmmm, leo has been on gabapentin for about 3-4 years ... so far, no side effects as you described ... he's an ex-jock, so he had all the aggressive tendancy that competitive athletes have - but i haven't noticed any bad side effects except being sleepy at times (that could be any of the drugs) ... hmmm again ...

looking forward to the pics!

opforsoldier said...

I know people on it with no side effects and they like Leo have been on it for some time. I am thinking it is something with all the anti-seizure medications as none of them have worked for me. If they do not cause a rash then they make me hyper. Top it all off with the fact that none of them seem to offer any relief and I am staying clear of them.