
Saturday evening...

While the pain today has not been too bad there has been a burning sensation across the bottom of my left foot and up the leg into my buttock. Not a bad burning, more if I just know that it is there. Other then that the pain for most of the last several days has been lower then it has been in some time. I would like to think that for yesterday and today it would be largely due to the addition of the lidoderm. I noticed that I was not watching the clock today waiting for the 8 hours to be up so I could grab the next dose of pain meds and that is a good thing.

I do not know about some of the others out there but there were days I would literally be in so much pain that I would count the minutes until I could take the next dose and make the pain go away. Of course since I had nothing for breakthrough I would see the meds kick in and then have a "peak" where for a little while I would have no pain and then a huge swing down as the meds were wearing off.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a fairly nice day and I am looking forward to spending some time with my family and seeing my parents. I figure that with the patches and the meds I should be able to visit with them in relative comfort and not feel like I have to chase everyone off or be inhospitable when I disappear to go lie down. My mom wanted to know if my wife would make her Chicken enchiladas as my parents have grown quite fond of them. Ironically it is one of the few things my wife actually can and likes to cook and I have to say myself that they are damned good!

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