
I wish I had a hammock...

I took a great nap this afternoon, only some minor tossing and turning from the shoulders but a great nap.

I know have all the windows and doors open as a light breeze is coming in from the Northwest which is mixing quite nicely with the warm air coming out of Texas. It is a comfortable 68F/20C and the boys are outside playing with the neighbors. The dog has found himself a sunny spot on the floor and is snoring as I type.

I have some dough proofing right now, it is my garlic & basil dough, and I am going to make some pizza's maybe some stromboli. Since it is Friday and Lent I am not sure what I am going to put in the stromboli, but I was thinking maybe some olives and feta cheese. I know, it is not traditional but I tend to cook differently then most.

It is very peaceful right now, there are no kids screaming in the house or even outside. They are playing rather quietly which is unusual since there are about 8 of them out there. My neighbors have several kids as well they have their grandkids this weekend. If I thought it would not kill my back and shoulders I would love to have a hammock for days like this. Sleeping out in the fresh air is wonderful and you feel ten times better then when you even get a good nights sleep in the house.

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