
What am I going to do???

Oh wow, I have the entire house to myself this morning. This is a VERY RARE treat and one that I truly look forward to when I do get them. It is not that I do not love my family, in fact quite the opposite. I always have the baby with me when my wife works as well I have the oldest at home unless he is in school or spending the night with friends, but with his grades lately that is limited to one weekend a month right now. When my wife is off we generally stay home or if we do go out we all go together.

Well this morning she needs to go buy some shirts for work (she is a restaurant manager) and grab some office supplies. While I thought I wanted to go my back started to act up this morning and I just did not feel like going anywhere. Now normally when that happens she will leave the baby with me but today she took him along. Now I have the house to myself for the next few hours and I am going to sit here in the recliner, with the lights down and MY SHOWS on the TV!!!

No Dora the Explorer, no Wiggles or any other show like them. Well my son loves them there is only so many hours a day that I can listen to these shows over and over again. That's right, one of the key things in learning is repetition so these shows will air the same episode several times a day or during the week. Now when my oldest was younger he watched Blue's Clue's which aired the same show 5 days in a row, talk about monotonous...

I have the remotes, the laptop and a soda and I am totally set for this afternoon. Now watch, there is probably squat on TV.

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