
An old computer, a screwdriver and a pair of pliers...

When I was in the Army I had a motor Sergeant that once told me that if could not be fixed with Duck Tape, a screwdriver and a pair of pliers then there was no fixing it at all.

Well my son has been bugging me about using the computer lately and since he is working on learning HTML and JavaScript I have not had a problem with it. However the only computers we have that really work are the laptop and the "work" computer which really belongs to my fathers company and is what I use to do some small projects for him now and then.

Well we have an old Compaq and while it is a few years old it is in decent shape and has a good sized drive on it. For some reason though it has decided to not recognize the OS (WIn XP Home) and it will not let me enter the setup utility to change the boot order so I can get it to boot from the disc. I screwed around with it the other day and then this morning I got an idea that I thought would work, and it just might but right now I am to tired and my back hurts a bit much to be down on the floor like that.

I have an older 4GB drive that I installed as the master and set the other as the slave for now. I figure that once I get the proper memory sticks in place (why they were out I do not know) that it should boot up no problem. Once it does that I should be able to access the slave drive and format it. Then I can switch the drives again and re-install the OS. Theoretically it should work, but then again theoretically my test scores always said I was a genius. I have spent my life proving those tests wrong.

I am hoping to get it running for him as I thought he could use it in his room to fiddle around with some web design stuff. I have Macromedia Suite MX and Photoshop 7 so there are plenty of tools to work with as well I bought him tons of books on HTML and scripting languages to play with. I will not however be putting it on the wireless LAN as I prefer him to be down stairs if he wants to be on the web. He does not wander off when he is on but we like to make sure he is on appropriate as well as safe sites.

I think we might also take him back to Foozles tonight and let him grab a few books. Of course we would also like to get something to read.

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