
Serve your country, lose your home

I am not going to go in to the politics behind the war or anything of that nature. I was a soldier once and strongly support our men and women who are doing their jobs. Now there are many of them serving right now who are part of the Reserves or National Guard. That is they are not on Active Duty unless called up. They have civilian jobs and drill one weekend a month and two weeks on the summer but when they are called to Active Duty they are expected to be there until released.

For some of these soldiers it means a cut in pay from their real world jobs and while I understand that they chose to join the military it does not mean they should get raked over the coals. A fact the Government has agreed to and passed many years ago something called Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act which lays out the laws for companies to follow should their clients become activated.

The story that is below is just despicable in my opinion. I cannot believe that some companies would go to these lengths even though there are laws preventing them from doing so. I only hope that if we are not successful in stopping them from completing this action that when it goes to the judge he puts a stop to it.

Now here is the story of a soldier who while serving his country in Iraq is having his home foreclosed on because of the huge pay gap in his military salary versus his real job. He is in Iraq while his wife must be scared out of her mind wondering what is going to happen to her and the kids. I do not know what we can do but there has to be something that a grass roots effort can do.

Here is the story". Since this is a copyrighted article I will link to it and not cut and paste.

The town that this home is located in falls under the representation of Jim Ryun in the 2nd Kansas Congressional district. I also came up with Dennis Moore of the 3rd district as being a representative for part of the county. Since I am not sure which part of the county they are in I suggest maybe sending something to both, after all they are Kansans.

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