
Stromboli for easter?

Once more I try to prove just how big of a dolt I can be. The one thing that this arachnoiditis has not done is take away my desire to keep a clean house although I have a toddler and a pre-teen so a organized mess is more of what you get. My wife is the sole income for us and works hard and long hours so I do not expect her to come home and jump right in on the chores, but I do leave the vacuum and mopping for her as they will cause severe spasms for me.

Today my target was the baby's room. His room had become kind of the "store room" for many of the things we do not use daily or for the toys we have grounded the older one from, like the play station or his radio. Over time it has become a disaster area and after all the time I spent getting that room ready for the baby there is no way I am going to let it go to pot.

Actually that room is part of the reason I am where I am today. While I had already injured myself and been diagnosed with the Spondylolisthesis it was while I was painting this room that I had my first real flair up and was the first time they had to put me on pain meds and muscle relaxers. Of course to save face when people asked how I hurt myself I would tell them I fell off the roof rather then I got hurt putting a lid back on the paint can, which is literally what happened. When I got done painting the room I was bending down to put the lid back on and that's all she wrote!

I did get the room cleaned out and actually found a few things that I can give to my sister in law who is expecting a little boy in May. After our son was born we were not sure if we would have another so we kept all the clothes that were in good condition, and since we got 90% of the clothes from Carters, GAP or Old Navy they are of good quality and will last. If you go to the websites and click on the gender/age range it will take you to a page and on that page they will have a "sale" button. If you buy out of season you will get great deals and you will never have to pay full price. I have clothes for both boys for well in to the next year because of those sales.

It only took me 30 minutes or so to really get it cleared out and organized but I feel like I just went for a 30 kilometer movement with a 50 kilogram ruck. If you have never had that opportunity imagine going to the gym for a few hours and doing nothing but squats and leg presses with about 120lbs. I know it is something that I should not be doing, or at least not be doing without help but I am tired of sitting in the chair and watching movies. I want to feel like I have done something to be productive.

So know I have some dough proofing to make some Stromboli which we all just love. I know it is Easter and we should make a more traditional diner but we're not. I rarely follow those traditions and as my family grows we will have our own. Anyway, their dough recipe is very similar to the one I make and it comes out so nice. If you kneed it just right and get the gluten working it will become as smooth as silk and press out perfectly for either stromboli or pizza.

Well that is enough of my babbling for the afternoon. It is time to go punch down the dough and get the rest of my ingredients ready.

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