
Things you notice...

While I was at my parents house I went online using my mothers computer and checked in on my blog. As soon as the page loaded though I noticed a few things that were different, most of them so minor that I am not going to mention them by the big one, well it was hard to miss.

On the left side bar I had the font set to "Tall Paul" which is the same font I used to create the header "Living with a spinal cord injury." Because I selected Tall Paul I went with a 20pt font to make it look good but when it went to the default font in 20pt is was huge and as I said, horrible. I forgot that it will only display a font IF that font is loaded on the computer viewing the site, so I doubt very much that many people looking at this site see it the way I designed it.

I still have it as Tall Paul but I changed the size of the font so that those using a default font are not looking at text that has 3 characters on one line. Sorry about that folks!

Tonight I am messing around with some of the links and their respective colors. I am going to play around some more tomorrow until I find new colors that I feel fit in better. The old colors were nice but they were a little on the dull side in my humble opinion.

Time to go grab some Robitussin and rack out for the evening.

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