
You have to love insurance companies!

I finally get the doctors all squared away, find one that truly understands the pain of arachnoiditis and how it will affect the quality of life and now I get to deal with the insurance morons.

Just the other day they sent me a letter letting me know I can get my meds from them much cheaper then I can through CVS. I am all for that and when I see the doctor on Thursday I plan on asking him for those prescriptions.

Well today I got a letter from them letting me know they will not pay for the pain meds any more until I jump through all their damn hoops and have the doctor sign this, fax that and swear some oath. Ok, I made the oath thing up from dramatics.

I don't get it. A licensed and board certified pain management doctor is the one prescribing the meds. Where is their problem in that???

I called the insurance company and asked them exactly what they needed so that in case they forgot to mention any of this to the doctor I would be prepared for when I see him. I have all the names and extensions of who they should speak to as well as the reference numbers.

They sure do like to make things difficult. What they don't understand is that without the meds my pain level shoots through the roof and is unbearable. I already asked the doc what he would do if I told him I was at a 9 or 10 and he said I would have to be hospitalized until they could control the pain. HAHAHAHA, I hope the insurance people screw this up because instead of paying $30 a month or whatever it is that the meds cost they will be paying a few grand a day for me to be in the hospital.

They are truly an amazing piece of work. Nothing like screwing your policy holders over. They get their premiums on time, everytime. When I need medical care they send me first to a crackpot and then deny me my meds. However, I am sure once the doctor sends them the paperwork they will get me squared away.

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