
Tough time sleeping...

I had a tough time getting to sleep last night. I have even switched from wearing the Lidoderm to the night in hopes it would help. Since you can wear more then 1 I have been wearing one on the back and then 1 on the shoulder that is bothering me most.

My night time routine is to get the boys in bed and once the baby is out I head to my room and watch the idiot box for awhile. It is also when I put the patch on and taking the elavil and lamictal since they are both supposed to help you sleep a bit better. So far the only thing they seem to be doing is keeping me wide awake.

I was wide awake until about 3am and just as I was dozing off I heard the dog going nuts which meant either my wife was home from work or we were being robbed. Thankfully it was my wife coming in the house and after grabbing a bottle of water I was finally able to get some sleep.

Now if this sleeping issue were here and there I would not be so wrapped around the axle. The problem is that while it is not every night, it is more often then not. Of course once I am asleep I wake up several times a night to either use the bathroom or get a drink of water, apparently some of the meds I am taking have a dehydrating effect. It is a double edged sword, not take the meds and not sleep at all or take them and spend most of the night back and forth between the water and the bathroom. Arrrghh!

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