
Outrageous insurance claims...

I am still having trouble sleeping and it is starting to show. I am tired all day long and when 9pm rolls around I am so ready to hit the rack. Only a few more days until I see the doc and I will mention it to him.

I also got a copy of what the crackpot doctor billed my insurance company. I called my insurance company and let then know they were being ripped off. First of all I went to the clinic and no one told me I would be seeing anyone other then one doctor so I only paid the standard co-pay. According to the copy of the claim that I received said that I will have to pay the doctors $30 more the next time I see them as they billed that one day as 3 office visits, one for each of the doctors who talked to me. Apparently even though I only made the appointment to see the one doctor any of them who apparently even say "hi" to me are going to be billing the insurance company. Worse is that they are claiming that I have to pay my co-pay for each doctor, so next time I am there they will try to say I owe another $30. Good luck getting it from me!

Then when I had the EMG done, which I figured was all part of the initial visit, they billed $1795. The claim said it was $160 for the test and then $300 for each time they stuck me with the little needle they ran the current through. On top of that they claimed 2 doctors time to read and review the EMG results. Now I see how that place can afford the opulent waiting room they have.

I called my insurance company and talked to them about it and let them know that some of the items they billed on the claim did not occur. I could not believe it when the lady I spoke with told me that I would have to complain to the doctors clinic because there is nothing the insurance company can do about it. WHAT? This is the same company who fought me for months saying I was pre-existing yet know when I complain to them they are being ripped off they say they cannot do anything about it?

It is ok though because after discussing it with my wife I have decided that since the doctor insists on doing procedures I have told them I will not do and that they now appear to be overbilling my insurance company, I will not be going back to them. Apparently I am not the only person who has had a problem with this clinic. I mentioned it to a group that I belong to, a group that is spread across the world, and one of them emailed me back about their time using this clinic. Their experience was very similar to my own.

On a whim I looked the company up on the better business bureau's website and found that they have an unsatisfactory rating. I should have looked them up prior to my visit.

1 comment:

Saija said...

sheesh, i feel so badly for you ... having to jump through the hoops ... it is so frustrating, because when you don't feel well to begin with, the extra hassle just makes it all that much more unbearable ... IF ONLY there was a clinic that REALLY understood the chronic pain part of back patients ... IF ONLY ...

i hope that you are having a good weekend on the homefront ... we've had a nice Good Friday ... we watched the movie "The Gospel of John" and now Leo is watching basketball ... :)

on the sad side, i still can't access your haloscan and i don't know why ... i looked on the haloscan site to see if i could mail a "help" desk, but couldn't see any ... AND there is one other haloscan that i can't comment on (http://www.rodneyolsen.blogspot.com/) ... all others on my blog list are fine ... so? things that make me go hmmmmm ...

anyway ... i thought i would pop by with a HI!!!