
Saint Patrick's day, Sanctioned racism?

Yes it is Saint Patrick's day and most of the country will spend this day pretending to be Irish, secretly wishing that they could be like us for the whole year.

It actually is a day that kind of pisses me off. Is that what people really think of the Irish? That they celebrate everything by getting as drunk as possible? On green beer no less? If they knew anything they would know that a good Irish Ale is red, slightly malty with a delicate balance of hops.

I guess racism is ok when it is all in good fun and involves alcohol. Would they think of celebrating Rosh Hashanah by eating Matzo Ball Soup and becoming falling down drunk on Manischewitz. Most people would consider it an insult to those of the Jewish faith, and you certainly do not see people of the Jewish faith acting like that. So why do they do it on Saint Patrick's day? What makes it ok on a day like today?

I know, most people would say that this is over reacting or that I just don't understand. Well they would be dead wrong. I consider it an insult to myself as well as my ancestors.

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