
Broken VCR...

The 2 year old somehow managed to break the VCR. The one we have had for close to 10 years and never use. If we watch 1 movie in it over the year I would be surprised. So why was I so upset that he broke it? It was probably more because he should not have been playing with it or the DVD player but I am the only one who enforces it so he is forever climbing up to play with them.

Anyway he jammed a tape in there somehow and now it will not eject. There was a time where I would tear it apart and get the tape out but that was when a 6 head VCR cost $500. Heck, I stopped buying VCR movies years ago when I bought the DVD player and then as soon as I replaced them all with DVD's I sold them on eBay! in one huge lot. So while it is probably a goner I guess I am not really that upset.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain.. I really do. My youngest fed our VCR two pieces of toast. It died shortly thereafter! Happy Easter to you and yours and thanks for visiting Blue * Monkey * Jammies!