
Day 6 and we are still hoping...

I am disappointed with the fact that the federal courts have not ruled in favor of the Schindler's despite the proof that state courts have violated state laws and the Constitution of Florida. Several hours is just not enough time for one Judge to go through the whole case and research any laws that might have been broken so I am left wondering how they can render a verdict without every fact being discovered.

Right now we are about 2 hours away from a ruling on the petition for the State of Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) to take Terri into protective custody on allegations of abuse. This may be the last chance to save her because in the federal courts the petition has made it to the Supreme Court once more.

Scott Schiavo was just on CNN claiming this is a political move and no longer about Terri and he may be right. I would say it is political, rather then doing the right thing, following the laws they swore to uphold, Judges are violating them to save their own political careers. Remember, people like Judge Greer are voted in to their positions. They are not appointed and they can be voted out, you better believe this is all about them and nothing about Terri's rights. Of course Judge Greer even when he was a county commissioner voted the way he "believed was the right way" instead of the right way, which is in accordance with the laws he was subject to.

There is speculation that he failed to qualify for his current position and if proven to be true it would vacate any rulings he has made since his current term took effect. This is one of those things that while it would benefit Terri and her families fight to save her, there is a bigger impact here and that would be the trials he has presided over. Since I am not sure what types of cases he may have heard I would be unwilling to overturn verdicts that rightfully sent someone to prison or even those cases where he has put an order of protection in place. It is most certainly a delicate line to be walking.

Obviously we are hoping for favorable rulings from the Florida court hearing the DCF petition and as soon as we hear anything we will have it here or they will have it over at Blogs For Terri.

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