
I don't even know where to start

I just got a call from my father in law. Why I was even downstairs this late is beyond me but within a minute or so the phone rang. Since we do not have an extension in the bedroom had I not been down there I would not have heard it.

It was my brother in law and since a phone call this late at night from him is not unusual (he works nights as well) I answered it.

For the last 6 months or so my mother in law (my wife's step mother) has been fighting cancer. She had been given only a few weeks when they diagnosed her but she showed them that she was not going to let it get her. She had surgery, rounds of chemo and beat it. She changed her habits, quit smoking, she was getting better and then a few months ago they told her the cancer was back.

The phone call tonight was to tell me that she passed away a few minutes ago. It is now up to me to tell her that she has passed and I do not even have a clue how to do this. I am certainly not going to call her at work but I also have no idea when she might be home. It could be in 15 minutes or it could be another 2 hours depending on how busy they were.

Please pray that our Jenny is resting comfortably.

1 comment:

Saija said...

my deepest sympathies to you all ... may the Lord comfort you during this tough time ... saija