
Another beautiful day in the plains states. We made it in to the 70's and stayed there for a good bit of the day. Once again the boys spent most of the afternoon playing in the backyard with the neighbors and the dog and my wife made it out to her flower beds up front.

She was able to clean them all out and with the warm weather over the last few days many of the bulbs are coming up already. I cannot tell you what they are as they were here when we moved in but I do know that later in the spring/summer we will have some really nice roses out front.

While they were all outside doing there thing I got to spend some time watching the idiot box and surfing the web in peace and quiet. I think for the first time in many years I watched a whole show without having to ask someone to be quiet. My oldest has a problem sitting still and being quiet for more then 30 seconds. He is a great kid and I love to hear what he has to say, but his timing leaves something to be desired.

Tonight though all the warm weather moves out as a cold front with rain moves in. Hopefully it will not last long, as I like the spring weather.

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