
Rest In Peace Jessica Marie Lunsford

There are no words to describe how I feel about this poor young ladies murder and I cannot even begin to understand why it had to happen. I pray that she rests in peace and that her family finds comfort in that she can hurt no more.


Saija said...

i heard that just before going to bed ... and felt just awful ... it is hard to imagine that such evil walks among us, as to do that to a child ...

Jan said...

Like everyone else, my heart is broken for this family. It is so hard to grasp that there are people who would do such unspeakable things to an innocent child, yet I know that it happens everyday. I saw this horrible excuse for a human on tv and he was actually smiling...the thought that came to my mind was that he must be Satan in the flesh.
Jessica is with God now and nothing can ever hurt her again. That's the only real consolation I have.