
Staying on top of the Social Security Administration

Like I have been doing every few weeks I call my case manager to see where we are at in the process. Hearing all the horror stories about taking months to get your first decision I decided to make sure that did not happen. By calling my case manager every few weeks I cut several months of the process by making sure that all records from the doctors are sent in, that they get copies of all the radiologists reports etc...

Apparently the only thing they are waiting on is the questionnaire they sent to my wife which I know she sent back some time ago. Not sure why they do not have it yet but the problem could have been that she did not send it back in the envelope that it came with. Why I am not sure, but I do know that if it does not go straight to the case manager it can get lost or take a long time to make it's way through the system. The case manager said she is sending a new questionnaire for her and that she can fax it back.

After that I am hoping for only a few weeks before the decision. Obviously we want a favorable ruling but if that is not the case I have a law firm that specializes in Social Security cases and they work on a percentage of the back pay received. While I would prefer not to have to pay someone for this it is sometimes the only way to get a favorable decision.

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