
My back is killing me this afternoon. I have been fortunate that since I have been seeing the new doc my meds have been working great and the pain levels have been fairly low. It seems the last few days though I have been noticing that the meds are wearing off a bit sooner and I have been having to take the other meds for breakthrough. Not a big deal since I have been able to maintain a decent comfort level and that is what the meds are for.

Today however my back has been working overtime and I have had to take both the pain meds and breakthrough meds at the same time. If I start slurring my words, that's the reason! Hahahahaha...

I have an appointment with the crackpot on the 22nd, but after talking with my insurance company, the allergic reaction to the lamictal and the doctors unwillingness to listen to me I am going to cancel it and stick with the other doctor.

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